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Monday, November 29, 2010

and it continues...

        Well, we ended up finally coming home from DC... and we were late, because I saw this sweet ass antique mall on the side of the interstate.. and I HAD TO STOP!!! lol I ended up buying this crazy looking brooch that the guy told me was worn by a really rich lady who used to own like half the town ( dont remember which town) haha... but i fell for it... and i bought it for like 50 dollars... lol  yeah i have a thing for history... heh.. we all have our weak points :-D

             ok onward to the rest of the stories!!! so at this time, living in the barracks was ... eh.. not so great i guess... just boring... I remember one day while I was in CLB 6... I was in field day formation... we were all standing there, and some douche baggy ass corporal was running shit... and for SOME REASON, he thought he had to go all boot camp with it... so he started yelling and screaming and divided us into two groups... one to police call and the rest to clean the quad... well, hernandez and I got put into the police calling group... of course... -- and you know every time you get in the police call group, you get hosed cuz you end up donig that AND cleaning the quad... bastards...---  well, so here we are, walking around the damn barracks picking up old std covered condoms, herpes cigarettes, and hemmoroid juice pieces of  paper.... (yeah, idk whats up with the references... just enjoy them hehe)... and of course, me being me, I was complaining... and saying things that may make the person next to me giggle a little (it was hernandez, so it was easy haha)... so i had two handfulls of bullshit... and I come across this big ass rock.... so I kick it... WELL that fucking corporal saw me kick it... he says  "oh, really lance corporal!? you wanna play with the rock huh??"... in the back of my mind im thinking... seriously dude..please do not make me do anything fucking retarded... cuz i WILL punch an nco...//but i didnt //... so I looked back at him and said  "**sigh**..... yes corporal..... i just LOVE rocks.... they excite me...."   and of course, being the fucking bitch he was he says  "gooood.... pick it up....  name it...... ok..... now carry it with you.... "... I was so goddamn mad right now... but I did like he said... i picked it up and said, alright... his name is louis.... and ill be damned it I dont have that fucking rock to this day!!!  after about 30 feet he told me to drop it ... but i fucking kept it!! its in my tortoises tank right now as i am typing this!! who's  stupid now?!? haha... but seriously... this kind of thing happens to me alot... flash back to MOS school.... we were all sitting in our conference room in a big ol group... our ssgt was talking... I had a black marker... and I was doodling on my water jug.... (if you know me at all.. you know, i have issues with doodling...)... haha sooo... I drew this cute little adorable creature with big ol googly eyes! sooo cute!!!... and my ssgt looks over at me and says... "wow, really brede... what the fuck is that thing?!?... stand up.... show everyone;.." so i showed everyone my cute little creature... and then he said  " goooood ... give it a name... "... well, I named my water jug "FIFI".... hahaha..;. she met a sad, sad demise though...   Fortman used to always have like 3 black guys outside our second story window throwing rocks... so one day, fortman and I decided, that throwing our water jugs at them, would make them leave.... WELL... little did we know... that when you throw the blue water jugs onto concrete.... they explode... lol  SORRY FIFI!!! you were great while you lasted!!...

             anyway... so after my horrific, eventful police calling session at the bricks... of course, we all got together in the quad... and (what did i tell ya!?) they told us to clean the quad again... ugh... so i went ahead and grabbed a broom out of my room... and started sweeping the second floor catwalks... I remember sweeping quickly... cuz i just wanted to start and finish this shit as fast as i possibly could so i could go out to michaels house and  fuck... haha... well, I started feeling a little dizzy after like 10 minutes of sweeping and my nose started running... assuming it was just allergies.. (i have no clue what month it was... oh and sorry if these stories are a little out of order... get hit in the face with a ladder... and shit kinda runs together!)... anyway, so my nose was running really bad.... i kept wiping it with my arm and went back to sweeping.. (i had my blouse off).. well, i put my head down a little bit, and some "snot" dripped onto the ground.... yeah it wasnt snot at all! it was fuckin blood!... and it was like dark dark red blood... almost looked black!... to me, this really wasnt that big of a deal.. I used to get bloody noses all the time, so... i just kind of  wrote it off... I went into my room and sat down for  a little bit, and kept going through tissues and tissues ... soo eventually about 10 pm... i ended up just driving myself into the emergency room... i got MRI's and CT scans... again... and then this time they said... uh, yeah you have hemmoraghing on your left temporal lobe... but it was just slight ... so i  was still able to walk and talk...they ended up putting a plate right on top of my skull ... it was pretty shitty... they had to shave a part of my head, and i had this nasty little cut from it... but I ended up coming out of it allright... i had a lot of friends come and visit me... i was doped up for like three days... but after those days... i ended up being really really bored, and I decided just to take myself off of my con leave, and check into my new unit... CLR 25... I was kind of inerested... I was actually going somewhere I'd never been before...I remember driving there, and being all out of it and still really really sore... but I didnt care, i just wanted out of my bricks room and back to work!!...

                  I walked into that office upstairs and the ssgt was like... sooo you should probably work up here in the office with us then huh??... hell no i said ... i wanna be outside!... and that was that... that first day i was back, i helped push a humvee into the shop, and moved some 7 ton tires..//with help obviously//... i'm not the kind of person that lets shit like this get me down hehe... I still had to wear my sunglasses though... and just so everyone knows... I wear them because the light/ sunlight... really really makes me squint, and gives me this horrible ass headache... and I can hardly function...NOT because my eye is all white... or that it fell out... lol ive heard it all.    anyway, so I was happy to be back at work... but sad because hernandez got put in Med battalion... and I was in 25... but the cool thing was, they wer right next to eachother... like, the same building... but like 10 feet apart haha I met some really funny people in 25... Izzy, Fryer, Norris... haha wow we all got into so much shit together... always finding some dumbass way to skate out of EVERYTHING...  lol //we'll tell more stories of you guys later...

            so after all that drama went down, it was time to put the shorts back on and get into some water... :D off we went down to the lake ... we took our usual crew out there... and gathered a whole bunch of fire wood ... and just sat around and drank beer.. I loved having boggs and justin there with us... because I was always way to scared to jump in first... idk why... its my thing haha... one time though.. hernandez and me were completely hammered, and we just jumped right in... and there ended up being like, a big ass tree underwater hahaa fucking sucked...  gosh we had some great times out at the lake... we bought these big ass rafts and just would float the day away ... laying in the sun ... drinking beer... once, Free and Pierce came out with us (friends from clb 8).. they were sooo fucking hammered... free ended up STEPPING IN THE FIRE!! lol and pierce was just making fun of him and shit.. haha free's foot got all nasty and red and ended up peeling and getting all infected!!! ehhh!!! it was sooo gross haha... we would go to work and there was free, no boot on... nasty ass foot hangin out hahaha...   once leann jones and I swam from one end of the lake to the other... god damn i was so fucking tired!!! forgot how in shape you gotta be to do crazy shit hehe... boggs was by far the craziest though... that kid used to just swim WAAAAY out in the middle of the lake... and just be by himself for an hour... scared the shit out of me!!......    one day, we ended up finding this rope that was tied to this tree... omg.... that ended it all!... haha we automatically started going crazy on that damn rope haha it sucked if you were tall though.. cuz if you went down far enough... there was a really really sharp log! I would get scared every time and curl up right before i hit the water.. gosh im a pussy :).. ...

                ahh... here we were living it up in the sweetest way possible... I couldnt have asked for a better time ... lol... oh my god though.... one night... we got this great idea, from a friend of ours... ah-hem.. "hey guys!! did you hear, theres a haunted school way out past the airport!?"  BAM!!! that is ALL he had to say to catch my attention!! haha I was so down to party it wasnt even funny lol I was like... "LETS FUCKING GO!!!"... and we did... oh, boy we did... haha lets see who i can remember came with... me in my car with some kid.... boggs in his jeep with Free... and like three other car loads of guys we knew from 8th ESB... (another unit).... so off we went... drinking the whole way there... ugh... boggs and i convoyed up there together, adn the rest of the guys left like twenty minutes before we did... so when we got there, they were already inside somewhere... which was EVEN scarier!! lol ... im carrying the case of beer... boggs has the light, and we were going in!!... we walked into this big ass scary school, and right away, theres papers, and pieces of the ceilings and walls all over the floor... and we walked straight into this creepy ass theater... and of course, all the guys that beat us there, had to jump out and scare the shit out of us.... ugh... men... anyway, we all ended up trying as hard as we could to get scared shitless... we all split up into small groups of three or four... and it of course was our little group and the other guys all split off... well, we were all walking through these rooms...and omg, they were so fucking scary... i wish i could describe it... old school books... papers everywhere... desks in corners... FUCK.. haha... well... we made it thru to the back part of the school where the gym was... and that's when some of the guys noticed you could get underneath the school thru the basement... ( the legend is... that there was a fire that started in the boiler room...and it killed like 12 or 20 kids.. ) so... here we were , looking for the boiler room like some paranormal research show.. lol ... well, free and I ended up getting separated... and we were both kind of tough  i guess you could call it... so we decided to walk off on our own... we went down this hallway that i hadn't noticed before.... and down this small corridor... we ended up coming outside in this freaky ass greenhouse... we quick walked through the greenhouse, and come upon some stairs... so we walked up the stairs, and at the top, there was a set of two doors.. the doors were propped open, and looked like they had been for a long long time... so, we walked in...and  then, we were in this hallway with lockers on one side... I remember being REALLY FUCKING SCARED... and all the sudden ... SMASH!@!!!!! the double doors behind us slammed shut!!!  I automatically just fucking took off running!! i had ahold of free's shirt and I just fucking ran my ass off!!! he was looking back the whole time yelling to me "THERES NO ONE BEHIND US!!! THEY SHUT BY THEMSELVES!!!" quite honestly... I DO  NOT GIVE A FUCK....somehow those doors shut... and it wasn't a human... and the wind was NOT blowing that night... I ran out of that school so fucking fast i didn't even have time to think... as soon as we were out in the open again... all i saw was spot lights... I said OO SHIT!! and ran to the gym... I didn't make it inside the gym (partly because I figured being inside somewhere when the cops showed up, probably wasn't such a good idea... id rather be somewhere where I could run... ((I'm not sure what my thought process was ... but all i knew is that i didn't like cops... ))   

                  so here come the cops getting closer and closer... slowly but surely, everyone in the gym realized what i had realized at first haha... they snuck out the side door, and ended up in the same place i was...... ewww... I remember crawling underneath that old ass gym.... all kinds of dead things.. spiders... bugs... ahhh!!! i can only imagine what i touched... buuuggghhhh.. anyway, i got outta there, and met up with everyone else... and they were freaking out... they said... where do we go from here?!... honestly... all my years of living in the country and playing "German spotlight" have defiantly paid off... so thank you jesse worrel, justin bockelmann, and cj hancock for always believing in me and making me the perfect cop evading machine... hahaha AAANYWAY... back to my story... so I told everyone.. "alright... were going to run straight back into these corn fields and were going to follow the creek all the way around... and were going to wait it out until they give up and leave... so off we went.. running as fast as we could... using whatever night vision we had left after drinking... ugh... which for me wasn't so good... (one eye... haha... make your jokes assholes lol) we'll just say I was the one leading this circus, so I was the one that ran into like 3 barb wire fences... owww!!!!! yeah, literally RAN INTO THEM.. fucked my shit allll up... but it was a great feeling... that adrenaline pumping... the feeling of being chased... gotta say, I LOVED IT~!!! felt like a teenage kid again... ((remind me to tell you all the story of Lacy Peterson and Sarah Stickney the cop evaders of Smithland Iowa soon hehe))... alright so after we ran for about an hour, we ended up in this big ol tire yard... not sure what else to call it... there was a shit load of tires stacked on top of each other...we all worked so well together... we worked out a plan... and an escape route, and off we were again!... we made it across the highway, and ran as fast as we could across this huge open field... which we soon discovered had a HUGE irrigation ravine dug in the middle of it... yeah, we fell in it... it sucked... and it hurt...  alright... long story short... we ran for a total of 6 hours... the cops sucked at finding us... later on we ended up splitting up and eventually we went back to my car... I jumped in to drive away, and the fuckers pulled me over lol and boggs got pulled over too cuz they told him not to come back, but he had to come back with my keys (he left before I did.... and they were like, you wont get a ticket, if you leave and never come back... ) lol at the end though, the cops had me out of the car, and the one said.. "so, you were hangin out with taht little shrimpy kid all night huh?"... and i said "hey hey... dont worry, nothing happend... he tried putting the moves on me... but you gotta understand, I got a good hand on my bitches... they all want me... but not just anyone can handle this shit" hahaha the fucking cops laughed so hard... we all ended up just bull shittin on the side of the road while boggs sat in his car lol we both ended up getting tickets... but they were literally bullshit... oh yeah, that was the night I found out that my license was revoked in NC... oh yeah... it was FUCKIN SWEET!... lol i had to leave my car at this freaky ass gas station on the side of the road in this po-dunk town!!  (with no plates... cuz they take em if you dont have a licence apparently...) --- LETS REWIND--- remember when I first got my car and got pulled over?? yeah, the cop circled the RALEIGH address to pay tickets... NOT the JACKSONVILLE courthouse address... SOOO... all in all... i paid the wrong place.. and after all this time, i didnt have a receipt... and i had no proof .... and i DID NOT have the 300 dollars to get my shit back... ((I still have my iowa license... so dont talk shit... fuck this state... they can eat my dick--- on my hand...))... alright... so i ended up riding in the back of a Jeep Wrangler... alllll the way to base... it was just so cozy... boggs driving... free past out in the front seat... me curled up on boggs' sub box. and that one kid laying down pretty much on top of me all past out..    great night... great night... haha.... i am quite surprised we made it through the gate... we were one of those reasons they give us the dont drink and drive speech haha....

                                    AAAALLL RIGHTY... will continue tomorrow with more exciting adventures from the sarah stickney chronicals!!!!  oh and by the way... if you read this... and your wondering why i havent put one of our crazy stories in yet... just let me know, and i will write my little heart out about it!!!  i just need a little bit of reminding sometimes!!! so remind me!! dont be shy now hehe thanks for reading guys!!!  <3

                              sarah hannah stickney

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